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Police uncover plans to destabilise Kano over Emirate tussle


The security agencies on Sunday night said it had uncovered plots to unleash terror and set the state ablaze amid controversies that trailed the Kano Emirate tussle

According to the VANGUARD, the Commissioner of Police, CP Usaini Gumel, who was flanked by other heads of security agencies, DSS, and NSCDC, among others, disclosed this, stating that it uncovered plots to launch an attack on the Kano State House of Assembly and other prominent locations in the state.

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The CP further said it would embark on a house-to-house search to fish out the miscreants plotting to cause unrest and destabilise the peace in the state.

According to him, “We have uncovered credible intelligence about some group of people who are considered as enemies of the state and miscreants who are trying to unleash terror in the state by embarking on targeted attacks at locations, particularly the House of Assembly and some prominent places within the state capital. So many sources have verified this intelligence.

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“We have perfected plans to embark on severe patrols and detections, particularly areas where we were informed that the miscreants are hiding. No hiding place for them.

“Whoever, under whatever guise, is found to be planning to disrupt the peace being enjoyed in the State or feel that he/she can jeopardise the existing security settings in the State will be arrested and made to face the full wrath of the law.

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“We are going to embark on a house-to-house search for anybody who they are above the law,” CP Gumel, however, stated.

Meanwhile, a reliable source revealed that the miscreants were mobilised and paid to destabilise and cause tension in the state.

The source also identified some of the targeted areas, the residence of the Majority leader of the assembly, Lawan Hussaini (a member who sponsored the repealed law) and a member representing Gwale, among others.

