
Why women are now paying for vagina massage



Women, would you appreciate Yoni massage? Sure the next question would be, what is yoni massage?

Yoni massage is an internal massage of the vagina that is part of the sensual Tantric massage. It is a full mind, body and spirit experience; it is empowering, healing and awakening and it is a celebration of all that we are as females, says the elephant journal.

Women now pay up to $300 (about N6,000) and above to get the vagina massaged.

Vagina massage is no just mere massage, says sexologist Vanessa Muradien.

“Yoni massage is profound work. A Tantric tradition studied deeply and thoroughly,” she said.

“Professional practitioners should have years of experience and have studied with reputable organisations. A person interested in yoni massage should get a recommendation from someone who has received one, first hand. Do not go blindly into a consultation.”
Katie Travis, who offers vagina massage told Metro UK that the massage sooths anxiety, and helps self-esteem. Travis said the massage also improves orgasms and increased sensitivity.

Katie even suggests that by giving clients orgasms can ‘reduce the risk of many types of cancer usually associated with women’.
Another benefit of the Yoni massage is that it releases tension that has built up, so clears the way so that penetration becomes less painful, and awakens the G-Spot, which helps to make reaching orgasm through penetration possible, the elephant journal said.

After trying out the yoni massage, sexologist Muradien said, “Afterwards I felt reassured. I felt like I understood my body, my vagina and my sexual fingerprint more than ever (I know too that the growth won’t stop here) and there were points where I know I could of let go more … maybe in the future.

So women, are you convinced enough to try the vagina massage?



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