
Tips and tricks for traveling with kids



Travelling with children can be fun, it can also be stressful. The parents or guardians are like shepherds guiding a herd of recalcitrant wild goats on holiday. When planning to go on a journey with kids, regardless of whether they’re toddlers or older, factoring a child’s needs into ones’ travel plans may be a daunting task.

Here is a list of tricks to consider when travelling with kids:

Book ahead

Whether you are camping, staying in hotels or with friends, always book ahead. Book that cheap flight to USA or other destination of your choice ahead, reserve your hotels ahead. Though being spontaneous is fun travelling alone, doing the same with children in tow is not advisable. Imagine the confusion if you arrive at your destination with tired, hungry toddlers only to find you can’t get a place to stay.

Help them pack/ Use apps

Children are more likely to stuff toys and other items they don’t need on a journey in their luggage, cramming them in. For children, there are devices with loads of toddler-friendly apps and games. However, when packing for a trip let the children have input but remember to edit this heavily before departure.

For older children, have a number of family games ready in case of delay.

Give them a camera

Giving toddlers, their own camera encourages them to observe their surroundings and focus on what interests them. You might be surprised at the results from their knee-high view.

Use a child locator

Children, especially toddlers, cannot be kept on a leash and tend to wander or gets lost in a crowd so invest in a child locator. Keep tabs on them at airports, train stations and crowded attractions with the child locator, a device which is strapped to the child’s belt or shoe and you keep the transmitter. If you lose your child set off the alarm and follow the sound to find them. For older children, you can designate a meeting point where anyone who wander off can return to and be located easily.

Don’t forget the medicine

Antibacterial wipes and hand sanitizer are handbag essentials. A wipe of the cutlery in restaurants where you’re unsure of hygiene, or a squirt of hand sanitizer when there’s no washing facilities, can zap a few germs and prevent toddlers catching some common bugs. Also carry a small first aid kit with plasters and sachets of painkilling syrup

Check your passports

The cost of a last-minute passport may be huge, if not impossible so check yours and the children’s passports as soon as you start planning a journey and before flight booking. Allow decent time to renew one when needed.

Explain the journey

Let your children know the basic details of the vacation he is embarking on. If they are new to flying and travelling in general, talk them through it. Let them know what’s going to happen and when it’s going to happen. Most children think flying is fun, never discourage that view!





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