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Armed robbers rape, shoot victim dead in Delta


A young girl on Monday lost her lives after armed robbers stormed her house in Bomadi, headquarters of Bomadi Local Government Area of Delta State.

WuzupNigeria gathered that the robbers raped her and, thereafter, shot her dead.

Sources said the incident took place along the Bomadi gas plant station in Bomadi.

The father of the slain girl who simply identified himself as Elder Wuduowei, in an emotion-laden tone, broke the news of the gory incident to journalists in Warri.

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He said:

“Armed robbers attacked my house when I was not around and my daughter tried to reach me to alert me.

“I was in the hospital because my wife is in labour before I could reach the head of vigilantes who accompanied me down it was already late.

“We saw her body cold after we saw signs of her been violated by the hoodlums.”

Confirming the report, the vigilante Secretary of Bomadi LGA, who pleaded not to be mentioned told newsmen that “the father of the victim, Elder Wuduowei, left the house leaving the girl alone which led the armed robbers to attack with ease.”

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According to the vigilante secretary, the slain girl alerted her father that some group of armed men were trying to force themselves into the house but the father could not reach security operatives on time before the sad incident occurred.

When contacted, the Police Public Relation Officer (PPRO) for Delta State Command, SP Onome Onovwakpoyeya confirmed the report.

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The PPRO said:

“The report is that the girl was raped and shot dead. Not raped to death. She was shot and she died soon after. She was shot by gunmen who invaded their house while her father was in the hospital with the mum about to deliver or so. That’s the report.”

