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Video: Please, stop coming to my DM to ask for anal s£x, alleged side chick begs celebs


Remember the alleged side chick that was accosted and embarrassed by a woman who claimed she was in an illicit affair with her husband and giving him anal sex? Well, she has finally reacted.

However, she claimed the video was staged and she never knew the video would go viral.

She warned celebrities to desist from asking her for anal sex in her DM.

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She also denied she had plans to sue the ‘wife’ who attacked her.

The lady further advised women to satisfy their husbands, regardless of the sexual position he demands.

WuzupNigeria recalls that the woman had gone viral after a wife met woman-to-woman with her and heavily descended on the young lady physically and verbally.

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It is still unclear as to whether the lady was tracked down or they accidentally met at the Mall, but the wife was with her friend who was verbally attacking the lady whilst also recording the scene of the wife assaulting the lady physically.

The video caused outrage on social media, with mixed reactions from some Nigerians; some condemning the sidechic and others lambasting the woman for her actions.

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