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UK teen sentenced to life imprisonment for murdering 17-year-old


An 18-year-old named Elijah Gookol-Mely has been sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of 17-year-old Victor Lee.

The tragic incident occurred in broad daylight near the Grand Union Canal in Scrubs Lane, West London.

The Old Bailey court has ruled that Gookol-Mely must serve a minimum of 20 years in prison.

The court heard that on June 25, 2023, Victor Lee was stabbed and pushed into the canal around 5:30 pm. Despite the quick response from locals and emergency services, Victor tragically died at the scene.

Detectives were able to link Gookol-Mely to the crime through thorough analysis of mobile phone data, CCTV footage, witness statements, and forensic evidence. A knife found at Gookol-Mely’s home had both Victor’s blood and Gookol-Mely’s DNA on it. The investigation revealed that robbery was the motive, as Gookol-Mely stole Victor’s bike and rucksack, which was believed to contain knives.

Victor’s family, who endured the painful details of the trial, described him as shy, introspective, and vulnerable to exploitation. They shared heartfelt statements about their loss.

Victor’s mother said, “In June 2023, my whole life immediately changed, the very meaning of life was shaken…. There was only emptiness and darkness around me. Victor was a child of love, loved by many people who valued him. Victor lives on in my heart, and in the hearts of those who love him.”

His father expressed frustration with the justice system, saying, “I do not believe we have been served by the court system or had justice for the killing of our son Victor. We will have to live with that for the rest of our lives.”

Victor’s sister spoke of cherished memories and the void left by his absence: “I go to bed at night thinking about Victor’s last moments and what he must have felt, cold and alone, deep in that canal with unimaginable pain all over his body.”

Detective Chief Inspector Brian Howie, who led the investigation, said, “Victor was a 17-year-old young man who was not directly involved with gangs or criminality. He had his life ahead of him and his family have been torn apart by what happened to him, in the most shocking, brutal and disturbing circumstances. During the trial, Victor’s family listened to deeply traumatising evidence of the violent acts committed against him. No sentence can ever bring Victor back or compensate for the loss of a son, brother and friend, but I and my team are glad to see that the term handed down today means that Elijah Gookol-Mely will spend 20 years in prison, where he cannot destroy another family.”


