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Sierra Leoneans are more similar to Nigerians than Ghanaians – Comedian Bash


Despite the proximity of Ghana to Nigeria, comedian Bashir Ahmed, popularly known as Bash, has revealed that he found Sierra Leoneans more similar to Nigerians than Ghanaians.

The comedian, who recently returned from trips to Ivory Coast and Sierra Leone, said:

There are plenty of beaches there and they are very lively. Sierra Leoneans are more similar to Nigerians than Ghanaians when it comes to lifestyle and culture. The only difference is the ambience. Their beaches are beautiful and the people are very accommodating. There are still vestiges of colonial times there. Abidjan, on the other hand, is a very cosy place. I don’t understand their language but they are very playful people too.

The comedian has been to Sierra Leone seven times; he spent six days in his most recent travel to the country and a week in Abidjan, the Ivorian capital.

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Speaking about his travels, Bash said they are “mostly related to my job.”

He added,

I could be invited to events in South Africa and America. However, I am not a big fan of the United Kingdom because they are very conservative. If I don’t travel for job-related reasons, then it would be to have fun.

The comedian also believes Ivory Coast and Sierra Leone have better security of lives and properties than Nigeria.

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He said,

I think those countries are better secured. There is a lot of respect for law there. In Sierra Leone, they have a lot of respect for the law, though I don’t know if it was like that before the war.

Also, the people of Abidjan are very groovy. They are very fashionable and exciting.

