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Health experts revealed 5 side effects of aloe vera, number 4 will shock you


Aloe vera is widely known to have many therapeutic use, including relieving sunburn and helping to heal wounds.
The plant whose use can be traced as far back as 6000 years has also been found been known to stall the spread of breast cancer and even found application in the cosmetics industry.

However, experts have noted that consuming unprocessed juice extracted from the latex can cause several side effects leading to major health risks.

Some of the side effects of aloe vera juice are:

  • It’s juice contains a substance called anthraquinone, a laxative, which can cause diarrhoea if taken in large amounts. Severe diarrhoea can cause pain, cramps and dehydration.
  • Aloe juice may cause adverse reactions when consumed along with a few medicines. Laxative in aloe vera may even inhibit the absorption of some drugs in the body. Aloe vera juice also reacts to herbs like jalap roots, castor oil, rhubarb root and bark root, causing dehydration and diarrhoea. Garlic does not digest well with aloe juice; it can lower blood sugar and potassium levels in the body.
  • Drinking aloe vera juice can result in allergic reactions like skin rash or hives, itchy or swollen skin, difficulty in breathing, chest pain and throat irritation
  • Aloe vera juice contains latex, an ingredient which has many health risks associated with it. It can aggravate health problems like colitis, Crohn’s disease, appendicitis, diverticulosis, intestinal obstruction, hemorrhoid, stomach pains and ulcers. There are also reports which suggest of hepatitis caused by consumption of aloe vera juice, becoming a cause of concern for people with liver problems.
  • Pregnant and lactating women are strictly forbidden from consuming aloe vera juice, due to its purgative and irritant qualities. It may stimulate uterine contractions in pregnant women, leading to miscarriage and birth defects. Lactating women should also refrain from consuming aloe vera juice, as it contains anthraquinone which may lead to diarrhoea. It is also considered unsafe for children below 12 years of age.
