
HE FEELS LESS LIKE A MAN AROUND HER! Lady calls off engagement after fiance said she is intimidating



A female Twitter user, simply identified as Criminelle Law, as narrated how she ended her engagement because her fiance said he felt intimidated by her success.

@Criminelle Law said her unidentified fiance said: “sometimes I wish you were just a teacher or a nurse because you wouldn’t think so much, it’s intimidating”.

In a lengthy Twitter thread, the heartbroken attorney recounted the sacrifices she made in the relationship and said her heart wasn’t broken, it was shredded.

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Read the tweets:

“So last week, out of the blue, the man who asked me to marry him remarked as follows:

“Sometimes I wish you were just a teacher or a nurse because you wouldn’t think so much, it’s intimidating.

“And trust me when I say I am horrified to actually put out into the universe the fact that those words were even uttered.

“I’ve just been over here bee-bopping along thinking all is great and loving life. Then that bombshell is dropped and I’m left questioning everything—including the fact that I’ve just MOVED IN with this man a month earlier.

“Along with the teacher/ nurse comment he proclaims that he’s depressed because he feels like less of a man around me.

“Again, I am f*%#ing dumbfounded and blindsided by this confession.

“My heart wasn’t broken—it was shredded. But I knew what I needed to do. He went out of town and in 36 hours I was packed and completely moved out.

“Thank god I was able to move back into my house otherwise it would have all just been too much. It’s still pretty fucking crushing. I’m sad and grieving the loss of what I thought we had (*thought* being the operative word). But I also feel surprisingly relieved.

“It makes no logical sense to me: he makes more money, has *considerable* more assets, and is well respected and accomplished in his field.

“I have my faults. I spend too much on handbags and shoes and can’t even point out to you on a map where Idaho is…but you’re intimidated?

“And let me make one thing absolutely crystal clear: I am *humiliated* to admit all of this. I’d much rather pretend it never happened and just quietly move along. But it happened. And to a certain extent is still happening because your heart takes a minute to heal.

“I have no desire to say horrible things about him because that’s only an indictment of myself. I was with him. I just didn’t pick up on *any* of this. It never even occurred to me that being moderately informed was intimidating.

“So. That’s where I am at the moment and I truly wasn’t even going to say a damn word about it. Coming home to an empty house is awful and the nights are always the worst. But Netflix. Wine. Online shopping. And losing the 15lbs I gained will get me through.

“I won’t lie: for about 24 hours I debated staying. It just seemed….easier. Maybe this is as good as it gets—maybe my expectations are too high—maybe I stay and lean on my friends and colleagues to fill in where he lacks. I *hate* admitting these thoughts but it’s true.

“But the only thing worse than being lonely is being lonely in a relationship. As much as it hurt to leave, staying would be so much more painful.

“I want it all. And I think I can have it all. Maybe not all at the same time—but I’m okay with that. I’ll enjoy each and every little bit and look forward to what’s yet to come.”

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