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Five Christmas tree mistakes to avoid this season



Are you planning to beautify your home this festive season by buying or setting up a real Christmas tree?

If you’re planning to make that choice, rest assured that it is the right decision but you may need to spare a few minutes of your time to read the tips below.

These five points will help you to avoid the commonly made mistakes when buying/setting up and caring for your Christmas tree – an important aspect after buying to prevent it from falling.

Although there are several options when it comes to Christmas trees – including having a real tree – in which case you might be wondering when the best time is to put it up and how to take care of it.

For those who decide to decorate their homes with a real tree this year, it is important to ensure that your tree stays healthy throughout the festive season.

Find below the five Christmas tree mistakes to avoid according to UK Metro:

Not getting the temperature right

Trees don’t react well to warm rooms or very sudden changes in temperature.

The ideal temperate for a Christmas tree is between 16°C-18°C, so it’s important to be mindful of how warm your room is getting.

Keeping temperature consistent can help extend the life of your real tree.

Antonio Dengra, CEO at electric heating company Rointe, says: ‘If your home has electric radiators, you are able to set your room to a specific temperature which can be really helpful when it comes to caring for your Christmas tree.

‘If you use another method to heat your space, consider investing in a thermometer you can place next to your tree to keep tabs on any changes in temperature.’

He adds: ‘Before getting your tree, it is worth considering how you like to heat your home and if your habits are conducive with caring for your Christmas tree.

‘For example, if you would usually place your tree in your living room but are planning to turn the radiators up in the evening, it would be a good idea to place your tree in a different room, where it will be easier to regulate the temperature.’

Picking the wrong spot

We all want a real tree to make a visual statement in our home – however it’s vital to pick the right spot, not only for looks but to ensure it stays healthy, too.

To do this, be sure to place a tree away from radiators – or other heat sources – so it doesn’t dry out.

Antonio adds: ‘You might be tempted to place your Christmas tree on a blank wall in front of your radiator but we would always advise against this.

‘Not only can this damage your Christmas tree but placing such a large item in front of a radiator can also make it increasingly difficult to heat the space – ultimately resulting in higher energy bills.’

Placing it by a window

It’s nice to pop a Christmas tree near a window – so people outside can see it in all its glory.

However, it’s crucial to check for any drafts that might impact temperature – as this will have a knock-on effect on your tree.

What’s more, it can also prevent natural light entering the room, which is essential for heating your home on cold winter days.

Forgetting to water your tree

Keep your tree looking fresh throughout December by ensuring it has enough water.

It’s important to invest in a good tree stand that can hold water and check up on it every day – making sure that the bottom of the trunk is completely submerged

In cooler rooms, the drying process will be delayed – meaning that trees will require less water.

Putting it up too early

If bought in a really good condition and looked after properly, a real Christmas tree should last between five and six weeks.

So, if you’re keeping to the tradition of taking it down on Twelfth Night (January 5), you should be putting it up on December 1 – at the earliest.

Research carried out by Rointe says that searches for ‘real Christmas trees’ peaked on November 20 – suggesting that people may have been a little too eager to get their trees up this year.

So anyone who puts theirs up in November might find that it’s not looking its best at the end of December.



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