
Biden admits Trump’s threat influenced 2024 re-election bid



President Joe Biden stated on Tuesday that he might not have pursued a 2024 re-election bid if not for the unique threat posed by Donald Trump, particularly as even steadfast Democratic supporters express concerns about Biden’s age. 

Speaking at a fundraising event near Boston, Biden, who recently turned 81, acknowledged that the prospect of Trump winning motivated his decision to run again.

If Trump wasn’t running, I’m not sure I’d be running,” Biden admitted, emphasizing the importance of preventing Trump from returning to office. 

Trump, responding to Biden’s comments during a Fox News town hall, dismissed them as a scripted talking point.

Despite questions about his age, Biden, seeking a second term, affirmed to reporters at the White House that he has no intention of stepping aside, stating, “No, not now. Look, he is running, and I have to run.”

Reflecting on his decision to run in 2020, Biden had previously cited Trump’s handling of issues, such as the 2017 white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, as a motivating factor. Now, facing limited competition for the Democratic nomination, Biden is framing Trump as a threat to democracy.

Trump, currently facing legal challenges related to his attempts to overturn the 2020 election, portrays Biden as a dangerous autocrat. 

Biden’s re-election announcement in April followed careful consideration and the belief that no other Democratic contender, including Vice President Kamala Harris, could beat Trump in the upcoming general election.

According to Reuters, recent polling indicates Trump leading Biden in hypothetical matchups in key swing states and on the national level, contributing to the perception within Biden’s circle that Trump’s frontrunner status for the Republican nomination is formidable and perhaps insurmountable. 




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