
Bandits abduct newlyweds, imam, others in Kaduna



Bandits reportedly abducted a newly wedded couple, a Muslim leader, and members of his family in Kaduna Millennium City.

Eyewitnesses shared details of the abduction to Vanguard. A resident recounted, “Bandits suspected to be kidnappers came on Tuesday night and attacked Dan-Honu II community in New Millennium City, Chikun Local Government Area of Kaduna State, kidnapping eight persons.”

“Among those abducted were a new couple who got married last Saturday, the Imam of the community Mosque, his wife, and three children, including a 10-month-old baby.”

The assailants, numbering about 10 and armed with AK47 rifles and other dangerous weapons, targeted specific individuals. Eyewitnesses described their attire, stating, “They were in black, with one of them masked.”

Narrating the ordeal, another resident said, “The bandits stormed the community around 8:50 pm. They started by picking the Imam and his family who they met outside the community Juma’at Mosque before proceeding to other houses where they abducted the newly wedded.”

He added, “I was inside my own apartment when the bandits stormed our compound. They broke into the new couple’s apartment through the window, injuring the husband. They attempted to enter my apartment too, but a vigilante fired a shot into the air, causing the bandits to leave.”

The Imam’s wife and the baby managed to escape after he had already fled. However, the bandits took two of the Imam’s sons with them.

As of now, the bandits have not established contact with the family, leaving the community in anxiety over the fate of the abducted individuals.

The Police Public Relations Officer in Kaduna State, ASP Mansir Hassan, has yet to officially comment on the incident at the time of this report.



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