
BamBam is the most unprofessional actress I’ve seen – Movie producer (Video)



Nigerian producer, ChinneyLove Eze has stated that Ex BBNaija housemate, BamBam is the most unprofessional actor she has ever seen.

In an interview with Broadway TV, Eze disclosed that she contacted BamBam for a role in a movie which she admitted to being too busy for.

However, when the movie producer opted for a ‘next time’ booking, BamBam told her she could forgo one of her appointments just in time for the movie shoot and seemed excited at the offer.

She further disclosed that she spent more to accommodate BamBam’s schedule, however she dumped the movie shoot to travel to Abuja a night before the scheduled movie shoot.

Her grouse is not that Bambam travelled but that she didn’t deem it fit to inform her or her assistant of the change, not until her assistant put a call through to her for a different reason.

See full interview below:





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