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Army discovers ISWAP bread factory in Borno hideout


Troops of Operation Lake Sanity III, operating under Operation Hadin Kai, have made a significant discovery in their fight against terrorism in Borno State.

According to intelligence sources quoted by security analyst and counter-insurgency expert, Zagazola Makama, on Monday, they uncovered an Islamic State West Africa Province bread production factory concealed within a den in Maisani, Timbuktu Triangle, Damboa Local Government Area.

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Makama, revealed that the Combined troops of 199 Special Forces Battalion, along with Hybrid Forces and Civilian JTF, stumbled upon the bread factory during a mission into the terrorists’ hideout.

“The factory was destroyed, and items recovered include 2 Lister generating plants, 1 baking machine, and several baking materials,” Makama reported.

The discovery occurred amid a week-long clearance operation aimed at eradicating terrorists from their stronghold in the Timbuktu Triangle. This region, comprising areas like Buk 1, 2, and 3, Talala, Ajigin, Dusula, Abulam, and Gorgi, is known for harboring extremist groups.

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“These groups of terrorists are mainly responsible for attacks, ambushes, and IED/mine incidents targeting Damboa roads, the Damaturu-Maiduguri MSR (Main Supply Route), as well as attacks towards Askira, Buratai, Buni Yadi, and the destruction of the high-tension transmission line connecting Borno and Yobe State,” Makama elaborated.

Despite the challenging terrain, characterized by fortified camps hidden under thick foliage and numerous IEDs, the troops displayed high fighting efficiency, maintaining their efforts to combat terrorism in the region.

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