
Amazing: After 13 year of excruciating barrenness, woman delivers triplets (photo)



A picture has surfaced of a woman’s triplets which she delivered after a 13-year period of painful childlessness, WuzupNaija can report.

An unknown Facebook user took to the social media to share the news to friends and families, stating how he and his wife had given up on the possibility of having any kids before the conception and delivery took place miraculously a few days ago.

“In 2003, I married my good and humble wife but little did we know what will befall both of us. For 13 good years we waited, we cried, we were hopeless and sometimes dejected, we had mental torture for we could not have a child in the marriage.

The newly-born triplets after a 13-year wait.

“But our faith in God kept us hoping that one day God will answer our prayer. As humans, we got to a stage that we felt all hope of having babies is gone, even at this stage we maintained our close walk with God that even if He did not give us any child we were ready to go childless and still serve Him so long we make heaven at last. But then it was a tortuous moment.

“God today in His in his faithfulness has decided to bless us with our own babies of triplet, two boys and a girl on the 19th day of October, 2016, after 13 years of waiting. Just thank this Great God for His goodness and mercy,” the man wrote.



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