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Robbers cart away pots of soup in Cross River


An armed robbery gang raided houses in the Mbukpa, Ambo, and Adak Uko areas of Calabar South Local Council of Cross River State on Wednesday, November 1, 2023, carting away pots of soup and other food items.

Though burglary is a regular occurrence in these areas, the theft of food has shocked residents.

The robbers reportedly started their operation at around 2:00 a.m., forcing open doors and burglaries and beating up residents in the Adak Uko neighborhood. They warned residents not to shout, as they had not come to kill but to get food and valuables.

According to The Guardian, one resident, identified simply as Ekpeno, the robbers told her in Efik that they were not there to kill but needed food and money.

 “The gang wielded machetes and were very smart. They pulled down the burglaries and gained entry into the living room and kitchen. My neighbor was hit on the forehead for screaming, but the men told her in Efik language that they did not come to kill but needed food and money.” she said.

Ekpeno said the Mbukpa police division was alerted, but they only arrived after the robbers had left.

The state police public relations officer, Irene Ugbo, said she had not yet been briefed on the incident.


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