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PDP candidate, Funke Akindele inexperienced – Sanwo-Olu


Governor Babajide Sanwo-Olu has described the Peoples Democratic Party’s governorship candidate for the 2023 election, Olajide Adediran, and his running mate, Funke Akindele, as inexperienced.

While speaking on Channels TV on Sunday evening, Sanwo-Olu stated that the Lagosians would not give their mandate to a candidate who they cannot trust to do their bidding, adding that the mandate must be given to only capable and trusted hands.

He stated that Lagos State has a bigger economy than that of Ghana and Kenya and that the people would only deserve a candidate who can truly handle and manage the affairs of the State.

“If you have an emergency by 3am, who would you call, do you call a man that has the experience, that has gone through the trenches before

“One that has lived with it and understands what the issues are, that appreciates what the challenges are even at that 3am

“Would you leave your chance to someone that doesn’t even know where the dials is, that doesn’t even know where the issues of governance is?

“This is Lagos, this is an informed audience, this is not a tea party, we are talking of real governance, we are talking about the lives is 20plus million Nigerians, bigger than the economy of Ghana, bigger than the economy of Kenya, in itself, it is a country, it is not a circus, it is a real, thing” he stated.

