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Pastor Adeboye comes under attack for advising his congregation on type of lady not to marry


The General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, Pastor E.A. Adeboye has come under huge criticism over a comment he reportedly made while speaking to his congregation recently.

According to reports, Adeboye had advised his young male congregation not to marry lazy woman and women who can’t cook.

Pastor Adeboye was quoted by Vanguard to have  said, “Don’t ever marry outside the church and you have no reason to marry outside RCCG.

“The reason is that if you are both from the same church even when trouble comes it is easier for the pastors to handle it!

“Don’t marry a girl simply because she can sing! In the choir there are some people that can sing but they are fallen angels!

“Marry a prayer warrior! If a girl cannot pray for one hour, don’t marry her. Don’t marry a girl who is lazy! Don’t marry a girl who cannot cook, she needs to know how to do chores and cook because you cannot afford to be eating out all the time.

“Don’t marry a girl who is worldly! If you do, you have carried what you’ll worship for the rest of your life!”

Apparently, the well respected pastor was unaware that the issue of cooking in marital homes is a controversial debate among youths of nowadays, especially youths on social media, with arguments for and against whose duty it is.

The message has since generated comments on social media with many blasting the pastor for advising men not to marry a girl who cannot cook.

Below is the video clip and some reactions on Twitter:


