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One-year-old Ghanian becomes Guinness World Record youngest male artist


One-year-old Ghanaian artist Ace Liam, has become a new Guinness World Record holder.

Liam attempted the Guinness World Records in Accra between January 18 and January 20, 2024.

In a confirmation letter from Guinness World Records shared on his personal Instagram page, they wrote, “We are thrilled to inform you that your application for Youngest Artist (male) has been successful, and you are now the Guinness World Records Title Holder!”

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Ace Liam’s mother, Chantelle Eghan, thanked Ghanaians for supporting her son’s record attempt.

The little boy started his bid for the World Record on Friday, December 18, at the Museum of Science and Technology, where Ace-Liam had an exhibition to showcase his artistic prowess.

In an interview with Accra-based Joy News, the proud mother discussed her son’s artistic journey. “He has been painting since he was six months old, and this will be his 13th painting. The behind-the-scenes of his creative process will be on his social media handles,” she shared.

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Explaining the requirements for the Guinness World Record attempt, she stated, “For his category, they provide specific criteria. He needs to participate in an exhibition, make sales, and provide evidence of the event, including media coverage and social media handles. If he doesn’t sell the artwork, he won’t qualify.”

The previous record holder, Dante Lamb, achieved the feat at the age of three in 2003

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