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Gunmen kidnap police orderly, driver in Rivers


Unidentified gunmen have kidnapped a police orderly and a driver working for a respected royal father in Rivers State.

The victims were abducted on Saturday at the residence of His Royal Highness Chief Cornwell Ihunwo, around Eagle Island.

Chief Ihunwo is the paramount ruler of the Rumu-Elechi community in Nkpolu-Orowurokwo, Port Harcourt City Local Government Area.

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Godstime Ihunwo, an executive member of the Diobu Vigilante and Chief Security Officer of Nkpolu-Orowurokwo, confirmed the incident. He said it happened around 8 pm.

Godstime alleged that the kidnappers intended to abduct the traditional ruler. “I received a call about the abduction of HRH Cornwell Ihunwo at about 9 pm on Saturday, 22nd June 2024. I rushed to his house at Eagle Island, where I met him. Chief Cornwell told me it was his driver and police orderly who were abducted,” he explained.

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He condemned the attempt to kidnap the community leader. “We condemn the planned abduction of HRH Cornwell Ihunwo and call on the police to ensure a thorough investigation into the incident,” Godstime added.

The Public Relations Officer of the State Police Command, Superintendent Grace Iringe-Koko, confirmed the incident. “Yes, the incident happened, and we are currently investigating it,” she said.

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