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Gov. Ododo launches special squad to combat insecurity in Kogi


Kogi State Governor, Ahmed Usman Ododo, has initiated a security operation to address the rise in criminal activities in Lokoja, the state capital, and other major towns.

According to Ismaila Isah, the governor’s media adviser, the operation, dubbed Metropolitan Quick Response, is a collaborative effort involving the Rapid Response Squad of the Nigeria Police Force (NPF) and the joint task force of security agencies in the state.

During the launch event at the Government House in Lokoja, Governor Ododo reaffirmed his administration’s dedication to tackling criminals in the state.

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He emphasized that safeguarding the lives and property of Kogi State residents remains a top priority, declaring, “Nothing will be spared to ensure that the people of the state sleep with their two eyes closed.”

“Today, we are flagging off the Metropolitan Quick Response (MQR) to advance our efforts in the safety and security of lives and property in Lokoja Metropolis and beyond,” stated Governor Ododo.

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He further explained, “The launch of the Metropolitan Quick Response operation is part of the evolving security measures to ensure we have a safe environment and to build on the solid foundation of our security architecture in the state.”

Governor Ododo expressed firm determination to eradicate criminal elements from every corner of Kogi State, asserting that the state will remain unsafe for wrongdoers.

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He commended the bravery and commitment of all security agencies in the state, pledging continuous support for their efforts in maintaining peace and security.

Encouraging citizens to be proactive and vigilant, Governor Ododo urged them to provide credible and timely information to security agencies. He also promised to prioritize technological advancements to strengthen intelligence gathering against emerging security threats.

