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VIDEO: Fight breaks out as Cross River assembly impeaches speaker


Members of the Cross River State House of Assembly engaged in a physical fight on Wednesday following the impeachment of Speaker Elvert Ayambem.

The chaos erupted after 17 out of 25 members voted to impeach Ayambem, citing financial misappropriation and gross misconduct.

The impeachment motion was initiated by Hon. Effiom Ekarika, representing Calabar South 1 Constituency, and seconded by Hon. Omang Charles Omang, representing Bekwarra State Constituency. After the motion passed, a brawl broke out over the mace, the symbol of legislative authority, leading to a chaotic end to the session.

Hon. Ayambem, who represents Ikom 2 State Constituency, was elected as Speaker of the 10th Cross River State House of Assembly in June 2023.

However, discontent had been brewing among Assembly members for months due to alleged administrative high-handedness and misconduct.

By Tuesday, 17 members had signed the impeachment petition. During the Wednesday session, Hon. Effiom Ekarika moved the motion for impeachment, which was quickly seconded by Hon. Charles Omang. After the motion passed, members grabbed the mace and chaos ensued.

See the Video below:


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