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EFCC mourns ex-chairman Lamorde


The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission has expressed shock over the death of its former chairman, Ibrahim Lamorde, praising his active service to Nigeria as an anti-corruption fighter.

Lamorde, who was the EFCC’s first director of operations and later its third substantive chairman, served from February 15, 2012, to November 9, 2015. He passed away in Egypt on Sunday, where he had gone for medical treatment.

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In a statement on Sunday, EFCC spokesperson Dele Oyewale said, “EFCC received with shock the sudden death of one of its former executive chairman, Mr. Ibrahim Lamorde. Lamorde, pioneer director of operations and third substantive chairman of the EFCC between February 15, 2012, and November 9, 2015, served the nation actively as a focused and gallant anti-graft fighter. He will be sorely missed both at the EFCC and the nation at large.”

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The Commission offered prayers for the repose of his soul and comfort for his family, the EFCC, and the entire nation.

Lamorde was born on December 20, 1962, and joined the Nigerian Police in 1986. He retired as a Deputy Inspector General of Police in 2021. Throughout his career, he held significant roles in the EFCC. When the EFCC was created in 2003, he became its pioneer director of operations.

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He first served as Acting Chairman in January 2008 and later as the substantive chairman from February 15, 2012, until November 9, 2015, when President Buhari replaced him with Ibrahim Magu.

