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Burning trailer causes gridlock on Abuja-Lokoja road


Travellers along the Abuja-Lokoja road are reporting that there is traffic jam on the road.The traffic jam is as a result of a burning truck on the road just after the bridge.

The eyewitness who sent pictures to said there are soldiers already on ground directing traffic as of 6.30pm on Thursday when he passed the spot just after Koton Kafe bridge.

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“Tankers and other long vehicles are temporarily been stopped from passing the spot,” the eyewitness said.

See the photos here:

Lokoja abuja fire 2 By Kunle BabaTunde

Truck burning along Lokoja-Abuja road. Photo by Kunle Babatunde 04/08/2016 6.30pm

Lokoja Abuja Fire by Kunle Babatunde

Truck burning along Lokoja-Abuja road. Photo by Kunle Babatunde/ 04/08/2016 6.30pm

