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Anambra takes steps to combat flooding in coastal communities


Clement Nze, Nigeria Hydrological Services Agency,

Efforts are underway in Anambra State to address flooding in coastal areas through environmental preservation measures and the creation of flood-resilient communities.

A two-day workshop on flood resilient solutions, organized by the state Physical Planning Board in collaboration with a private firm, was followed by a field visit to select coastal communities in Anambra East and West Local Government Areas.

The field visit aimed to provide a deeper understanding of flood-related challenges and explore ways to integrate indigenous knowledge with innovative solutions for environmental preservation and the construction of flood-resistant communities in flood-prone areas of the state.

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Communities visited during the field trip included Umueze Anam, Mmiata Anam Nzam, and Umueri. This visit marked the beginning of the implementation of resolutions made during the workshop.

The Chairman of the Anambra State Physical Planning Board, Chike Maduekwe, highlighted the importance of mitigating flooding in coastal communities to prevent flood disasters. He emphasized the commitment of Governor Chukwuma Soludo’s administration to creating a livable and prosperous state, noting ongoing collaboration with the United Nations Development Programme to develop a flood-resilient plan.

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Traditional leaders also weighed in on the issue, with Igwe Ben Emeka of Umueri emphasizing the interconnectedness of communities along the river Omambala. He stressed that anything affecting Anambra West also impacts the East, particularly Umueri people on the riverbank.

Similarly, Igwe John Ogugua of Nzam recalled historical experiences of high-level flooding, which abated after the construction of the Kainji Dam until recent climate changes. He urged the government to support coastal communities by constructing resilient structures to withstand flooding.

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