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Why I film my 4-year-old daughter in skimpy dresses – Father


Why I film my 4-year-old daughter in skimpy dresses - Father

A father from Edo State, Musa Suleman, has been arrested by the Nigerian police for engaging his 4-year-old daughter, Sarah Suleman, in adult content on social media.

Suleman, who dressed his young daughter in skimpy outfits and filmed her in provocative poses, claimed he wanted her to become a model and achieve celebrity status.

“I don’t mean to harm anybody. I am also used to watching people Content creators, comedy, all those other people. So me…I think she’s too small and she can’t be doing comedy. I decided to brought her up in a model way. She will be wearing model dress, all those kind of clothes. I cover her to make her as a model,” Suleman stated, attempting to justify his actions.

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Suleman had posted indecent pictures of the minor on her recently deactivated Instagram page, @officialsarah_ig, exposing sensitive parts of her body as she posed erotically.

Some of the viral videos had generated widespread concerns from Nigerians, who feared for Sarah’s safety and the possibility of her being involved in pornographic activities or sexually abused for monetary gains.

“I want her to become a celebrity,” Suleman boldly declared, revealing his intentions behind the controversial content featuring his young daughter.

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According to the spokesperson for the Edo State Police Command, Chidi Nwabuzor, the command took swift action by arresting Suleman after he was exposed, and an investigation is ongoing to ensure justice is served.

“The Edo State Police Command is aware of the trending video of a child of about four-year-old conspicuously naked and used as adult content in an undisclosed hotel in Auchi, Edo State,” Nwabuzor stated.

“The Commissioner of Police Edo State Command, CP Funsho Adegboye, immediately drafted a tactical team to go out and arrest the suspect and his cohort. Within 12 hours, the father of the girl was arrested, and the investigation has commenced while further revelation will be made known to the public.”

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Suleman had previously claimed that he resorted to “promoting” his child’s modeling career because he was not receiving support from social media users towards his passion.

“One Nigeria, we cannot do comedy because no helper, this is what we can do. Help promote a model,” he had stated earlier.

