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Read why Ibafo residents carried placards protesting against Nigerian police today


Residents of Ibafo on Monday protested the invasion of their communities by unknown gunmen who killed a resident and raped some women last week.

Ibafo is an outskirt of Lagos State but located within Ogun State boundary along Lagos-Ibadan Expressway.

The protesters, who are made up of residents of Halleluya quarters, Abeeb and Asiwaju communities, off Ebute Ero by Ibafo Police station, were seen carrying placards and singing war songs in front of Punch Place on Kilometer 14, Lagos-Ibadan Expressway in Ogun state on Monday.

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Apart from protesting the invasion of their communities by unknown gunmen, the protesters also berated the poor response of the Police to their plight in the area.

Below are some of the photos taken at the scene:

ibafo 1

Ibafo 2

Ibafo 3

